giovedì 18 marzo 2010

24 marzo 2010: Equilibrium positions of a solid in large deformations (Michel Fremond)

Il prossimo incontro di \Piz^2@TV(+IAC) si terrà mercoledi 24 marzo, alle ore 13, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica di Roma Tor Vergata, aula "Dal Passo", e sarà animato da Michel Fremond (Dip. Ing. Civile, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata").

Titolo: Equilibrium positions of a solid in large deformations

Abstract: We investigate equilibrium positions of a solid in large deformations. We take the party that a solid can flatten in a solid with a lower dimension. A structure flatten by a power hammer is an example of such a situation. Moreover, we take into account the spacial variations of rotation matrix. We prove that under reasonable assumptions, there exist equilibrium positions which may be non unique.

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